Sith Warrior (Marauder)
Dual wielding light sabers looks awesome. The acrobatic animations of the various attacks is awesome. Only having to worry about damage output gear is a relief. Being bad is so easy. The second companion you get is a heal-bot (literally, a healing droid).
The marauder is a paper tiger - you are wearing medium armor (at least its not light armor), but you are in immediate damage range for anything with AOE attacks. The burst damage done is decent, but not exceptional compared to some of the other classes. The first companion you get spends all of her time stealing aggro from you and your in-combat heal is not that great and has a long cooldown.
A marauder does damage, nothing else - no shield, no damage reduction, no threat reducers (at least not yet), no regular healing.
It is fun to just go on a killing binge. Generally, I will go through 3-4 pulls before having to stop to heal (out of combat). However, if you get a respawn, wandering mob or unexpected elite show up towards the end things can get really bad, really quick.
Bounty Hunter (Powertech)

I don't have much bad to say about the Bounty Hunter class. I've been playing with a real life friend who went mercenary and we compliment each other very effectively. I think the only drawback is that that powertech lacks a really good ranged-burst damage attack to make for a truly effective pull.
The headgear items are UGLY and seem out of proportioned. I'm not sure that the off-hand power generators are really worth much - they function as a shield, but unlike traditional game shields, you can't use them for additional attacks.
If I stay with SWTOR, I will definately have a top level Bounty Hunter.
So what's next? I'm not sure. I'm taking the last of my master's classes over the next 4 months and that takes up a lot of time. I may not have a job, but I may be having to spend a considerable amount of time with my parent's due to their deteriorating condition. I just don't know if SWTOR has hooked me enough to keep me playing.
On a related note, this is a more tasty decision on the Light vs. Dark debate.
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